TASHKOO Intercom Systems
The Intercom System is a stand-alone system used for direct point to point or point to multipoint communication, not dependant on any other telecoms system comprising central equipment, control equipment and intercom stations with microphones, internal amplifiers, press to talk switch and channel/station selection pushbuttons.
TASHKOO Intercom stations will be designed for ease of use. Each Intercom station will be fitted with an in-built loudspeaker, a noise cancelling microphone. Intercom stations shall be fitted with an “in use” indicator. They shall be functionally fully independent of each other ensuring that failure of one Intercom station does not affect others.

The Intercom System is a Safety Related /Critical System that provides a voice communications between two or more fixed locations within the plant site with selective calling of individual Intercom stations without the call setup dialling/ringing delays that are usual for standard switched telephone calls. They can also be used for long duration open connections. Intercom System allows selective calling of individual Intercom stations, or group calling.