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Perimeter Intrusion Detestion System PIDS)


A Perimeter Intrusion Detection System (PIDS) is used to prevent access and deter, detect and delay intruders.

TASHKOO offered Intrusion Detection Systems consist of electronic sensing /analytical equipment and software to automatically detect and raise warning alerts / alarm signals whenever there is any un-authorised access, movements, vibrations, flexing and cutting of the site perimeter fence and associated gates by uninvited/prohibited persons and/or other physical/mechanical devices. This system complies with Grade 4 and Class 4 Intrusion alarm systems as defined in BS 4737 and CENELEC 50131.

The PIDS provide surveillance of industrial or governmental site perimeter wall/fence including all entrance gates and exits. The offered IDS is be able to function as a standalone system or as an integral component of a centralised security system. The system operates normally during the day or night, during all weather conditions, including sand storms.

TASHKOO engineers are able to design and provide an engineering solution to ensure all components environmental conditions are fully compatible and the system and can be integrated with all associated security systems, whether the system is a stand-alone or designed as a larger network.

TASHKOO PIDS use optical sensor cable technology. The system detect attempts at digging under, cutting through, climbing over or lifting up the fence or gates. This will ensure that there is a warning and response from the security personnel to minimise threat, damage or theft. In these systems processor unit send short laser pulses into the fibre and analyse the time-distance related reflections with regards to frequency and amplitude of the desired scattering effect so strain or temperature profiles along the fibre can be created. These fibers, can also measure several physical effects with high local resolution along cable stretches of up to 20 or even 30 km.


The system will provide a fence/ buried PIDS that will be installed on, and where possible beneath, the Perimeter fence providing intrusion detection upon the whole fence and also the ground in a 5m radius out from the fence.

When installed around the perimeter fence/ ground the system will be configured into sectional zones for alarm activation identification. The configuration will enable the system to recognise these zones, which will be determined by type such as fence line or gate and by CCTV coverage. Each zone will have the capability to be individually tuned to the local environmental conditions and have parameters set to distinguish the differences in the identification of noises.


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