The UHF TETRA Radio System is a TErrestrial-TRunked-Radio - a digital trunked radio system that incorporates GPS based Vehicle Tracking. The UHF TETRA system is a computer-controlled Two-Way Radio system that allows sharing of Radio Frequency channels among a large group of users. TETRA users are assigned to a "talk-group" instead of being allocated one radio channel. When any user in a talk-group wishes to converse with another user a vacant ‘digital slot’ in a radio channel is found automatically. Simultaneous conversations can occur on one radio channel, utilising idle time between conversations. The UHF TETRA Radio System is a Safety (Safety and Mission) Critical System with respect to personnel safety and shall remain fully operational during emergency situations.

TASHKOO offered TETRA radio systems comply with the full range of ETSI TETRA Standards including EN 300-392 and ETSI TR 100 392-17-4 and ETR 027 and 028.