Motor Sirens KS, F0, FI, FII, FIII
  -   Weatherproof Mini Siren KS
  -   Weatherproof Motor Sirens F0, FI, FII, FIII
The sirens are used as alarm, warning or signalling devices. Thanks to their
charac t eristic siren wail, they generate
an unmistakable and penetrating alarm.
The high volume of the wail and its
all round directivity guarantee, that a
suit ably large range is attained.
The different sizes and versions of the
sirens open up a broad range of appli-cations, including signalling for critical
situations. Used with the pro tection cover
available as optional extra, the sirens
are suitable for outdoor use. Sirens for
special voltages and fre quen cies are
available on request..
The housings are made of aluminium die cast and coated in light grey with
weatherproof paint.
The protection cover for the sirens F0
and FI is made of weather-resistant
plastic. The protection covers of the other
ver sions are made of sheet steel and
coated with weatherproof paint. When
using a protection cover, the motor
conforms to protection degree IP 44
and the siren housing to IP 22.
The sirens are designed for short-time
operation S 2 –15 minutes according to
VDE 0530, Part 1. For the power supply
connection the sirens F0 and F1 are
equipped with a cable gland M16 and
the types FII – FIIIb with a cable gland
Please see below "ORDERING INFORMATION" for product diffrent options and relevant part numbers.